Leadership Team:
Leadership (ID 1205)
Nicola WhitcombeHeadteacher
Nicola Whitcombe
Nicola Whitcombe is proud to be the Headteacher of Springfields. She is a values-led practitioner who inspires others through her relentless focus on championing all young people. An experienced and competent practitioner, Nicola has experience of both mainstream and specialist settings, holding senior leadership positions in both. She is proud to call herself a SENCo and is highly respected for her knowledge and vision of SEND. She holds a range of postgraduate qualifications in autism and SEND and applies this knowledge to strategically lead provision at Springfields. Nicola holds the National Professional Qualification for Headship. She articulates a compelling vision for Quality of Education for SEND learners and has been involved in successful bid writing and interviews for Free Schools and Alternative Provisions in Wiltshire and neighbouring counties. Nicola’s enthusiasm for SEND enables her to lead with authenticity and integrity. As well as having strong emotional intelligence, Nicola is able to build effective relationships with a range of partners and stakeholders and these are based on mutual respect. She is an expert content creator for The National College, producing three webinars for them alongside written publications. She is a co-founder of A-Fest and a believer in system leadership that benefits the wider neurodivergent community.
Samantha CottrellDeputy Headteacher
Samantha Cottrell
Sam has extensive teaching experience within mainstream schools, alongside the management of resource base settings. She is an experienced SEND advisor and an integral part of the Springfields Autism Support Team. Sam leads on the academy Behviours and Attitudes strategy and leads the Emotional Regulation Team. In addition to this, Sam oversees the Communication and Interaction & Physical and Sensory Curriculum areas. Sam is currently studying for the NPQH.
Nicola BrooksDeputy Headteacher
Nicola Brooks
Nicola Brooks is an experienced SEND and mainstream teacher who now specialises in staff development. Nicola’s values of collaboration and life-long learning guide her leadership of professional learning across the Academy. Nicola oversees the many hubs, networks and partnerships that the Academy is involved in. Nicola builds relationships with other education partners and professionals to optimise opportunities to share, learn and collaborate. Nicola’s belief in teacher-led, grassroots CPD helped lead to the inception of A-Fest. Described by her colleagues as caring, thoughtful and driven Nicola is committed to helping all staff achieve their best. Nicola holds a MEd with Distinction in Educational Leadership in Management. Her dissertation focused on the identity, relationships and skills of middle leaders. She is currently studying for the NPQSL.
Liz BurnsHead of Therapy and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Liz Burns
Liz is an experienced Occupational Therapist who is committed to supporting young people to live safe, independent lives. Liz has a passion for autism and uses a range of resources, interventions and therapeutic approaches to help engage young people in the learning process. Liz leads a team of talented therapeutic and outreach professionals from our very own Therapy House, a bespoke provision for our learners. Liz works across both sites to ensure that learners make social and emotional progress alongside academic progress. Liz brings a unique perspective on how to support learners in the classroom.
Connie KnightAssistant Headteacher SENCO
Connie Knight
Connie is a highly dedicated and skilled practitioner with experience in both mainstream and specialist settings. Her positive attitude and enthusiasm enables her to build strong relationships with both pupils and staff. Connie is currently studying for the NPQSL.
Connie oversees the school SEND strategy and adapted provision as well as leading a team of talented learning support and higher level learning support assistants. Connie can be contacted by phone through the school office on01249 814125or via emailcknight@springfields.wilts.sch.uk
Lee DavidsonAssistant Headteacher - Quality of Education and Personal Developement
Lee Davidson
Lee Davidson is an ebullient and charismatic leader who is passionate about helping learners succeed. Lee ensures the right systems and processes are in place to enable learners to thrive. Lee leads a team of talented and diverse practitioners across a range of academic and vocational areas. Lee also works with a range of further education establishments and other education professionals to determine the right next steps for pupils. As a highly visible leader who prides himself on building effective relationships with pupils, parents and staff, Lee brings the energy and drive to the senior leadership team. Lee is currently studying for the NPQH.
Claire LudlowAssistant Headteacher Quality of Education and Behaviour and Attitudes
Claire Ludlow
Claire has significant experience of teaching learners in specialist settings. A specialist in learning through play and Early Years teaching, Claire is highly skilled in engaging young children into the school environment. Claire uses TEACCH and Bucket Time principles across her teaching and is able to advise others on the use of these practices. Claire is also the Attention Autism Champion for the academy. Calm, caring and resilient Claire is also a line manager and mentor. Claire is currently studying for the NPQSL.
Iian ConleyAssistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Iian Conley
Iian Conley is a longstanding SEND Leader with experience of both school and trust leadership. Iian has held a variety of roles and is now the Academy's designated safeguarding lead and lead for Behaviour, Safeguarding and Culture. Iian is an experienced ECT mentor and NPQ facilitator.
Claire WilliamsKnowledge and Understanding of the World Lead
Claire Williams
Claire is a hugely dedicated practitioner with significant teaching experience across mainstream and specialist settings. Known for her ‘can-do’ attitude, Claire is enthusiastic, resilient and practical. Claire is a child-centred practitioner and she supports her team with creating the right environment to support learners to flourish. Claire is currently studying for the NPQSL.
Darren MullingsPhysical and Sensory Lead
Darren Mullings
Darren is an experienced practitioner who leads the Physical and Sensory Curriculum across the academy. As a creative leader he has implemented a variety of opportunities within for pupils to achieve at school level and in sports competitions.
Helen TarrantCommunication and Interaction Lead
Helen Tarrant
Helen's passion for SEND stems from her experience of growing up with an older autistic sibling. She is dedicated to seeing and learning through the autistic lens, valuing lived experience and autistic voice. She creates an inclusive and accepting learning environment which enables autistic young people to feel understood, happy and safe. Helen has studied SEND at Master's Level, passing with distinction, and has worked for almost 10 years as a specialist SEN teacher. She is a an Elklan Leading Communication Practitioner (Level 4), supporting and training staff to ensure their communication is autism friendly. Helen is an experienced middle leader and reading lead, with a particular interest in promoting the enjoyment of reading and phonics. A highlight of her career was winning the Jack Petchy Outstanding Leader award in 2021. Voted for by students and staff, this award recognises Helen's commitment to SEND. She is an inspiration to both pupils and staff and inspires both to reach their full potential.
Coral PagramDiscovery/Semi-Formal Curriculum Lead
Coral Pagram
Coral is an experienced teacher and middle leader who has taught across the primary age range in both mainstream and specialist settings.Coral is the academy’s Semi-formal Curriculum Lead, as well as the Discovery class teacher. Coral believes that children learn best when they are happy- she is dedicated to ensuring that all children receive the individualised care needed to feel safe and flourish. Coral is particularly skilled at working with pre and non-verbal children. She promotes a range of communication strategies within her classroom, ensuring that communication needs do not become a barrier to learning. She is the academy’s lead practitioner for Bucket Time and Sensory Bag, modelling effective practice in these areas. Coral is respected by her peers for her resilient, practical, and child-centred manner. She is also an experienced ECT mentor.
Maxine PageDeputy SENCO
Maxine Page
Maxine is an experienced SEND practitioner who supports the implementation of the SEND strategy across the school. She oversees the Secondary English Curriculum and Specific Needs cohort as well as contributing to the admissions team.
Laura WellsDeputy SENCO
Laura Wells
Laura is the Lead for the Complex Needs Provision and PLACE provision. Laura is an experienced SEND teacher who has worked in all areas of the school. She leads a SEND ECT hub and supports the admissions team.
Amy BoormanFoundation Lead - Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Amy Boorman
Amy is an experienced practitioner who has worked in both mainstream and SEN settings. Amy has a degree in Human Biology and is the lead Science teacher for secondary aged pupils at Springfields. She strives to find ways to make Science engaging and multi-sensory. Amy is part of the Knowledge and Understanding of the World leadership team. She is excited to guide children in making sense of their physical world and community. This involves exploring, observing, and learning about people, places, technology, and the environment. Amy is currently studying for the NPQ in Leading Teaching. As a leader, Amy values respect and integrity. She is determined to make a positive difference to both students and staff.
Caroline BoxEYFS Lead
Caroline Box
Caroline Box is a highly experienced practitioner across mainstream and specialist settings. With particular expertise within the primary phase, Caroline has taught from Reception right through to Year.6. Caroline is passionate about making a difference to the learning experiences of autistic pupils and is a creative and child-centred practitioner. Caroline is the Early Years Lead for the academy and is excited about the growth and development of Early Years at Springfields. Her excitement and enthusiasm is fundamental to creating and delivering a bespoke curriculum that is accessible, engaging and effective for our youngest autistic learners. Caroline believes in the importance of a creative, communication-friendly environment where children can play, explore and express themselves confidently. Caroline’s leadership ensures a positive start to Springfields’ life for our youngest learners, building strong foundations and the stepping stones needed for our children to lead safe, independent lives.
Lauren YatesReading Lead
Lauren Yates
Lauren is an experienced SEND teacher with over 9 years' experience in SEND settings. She is an experienced middle leader with 4 years' experience as Literacy and Total Communication Lead at The Chalet School. Lauren has worked with Ramsbury English Hub to conduct reading audits.